The treasure hunt incident happen on me quite a month ago but since ntg to update so i talk about it now haha !!
at dont knw which satuday morning .. me , kee lin , jinn wei , this 3 guy sit on the same car drove by kee lin from KU to meru my house thn heading to stk .. on the road we are aspecting it would be interesting and fun and ... we will get the reward ofcause !!
but ....... who know .. the nightmare is just begun !! ahhaha
ok 1st whn we report in ... we are order to create our own team slogan .. every group at least got 5 person .. but we special we got only 3 haha !!
ok .. the slogan that we created is "oscar king love MTE , MTE love oscar king"
do thy really love me ?? lol
oscar king for me is named after i get the perlakon terbaik in orientation week lol !!
ok back to the title ... after we create slogan .. each group member is recieve a booklet . the booklet state down the organizer , MTE member(cox this event is under MTE) , sponsorship
, objective of this event(quite useless actually :p) .. ok after we go thru the booklet .. the organizer(kai loon) was asked us to get the map . not treasure map but area map lol there isn't any treasure map as the treasure din state inside .. ok less talk . after we get the map we been given a hint "2 door 1 air-con" (stupid how we suppose to knw ?) ok at 1st we dont knw but we knw the station master so we decide to make a call .. the station master damn stupid he tot we are his mate so give us the location ... which is ...HICT !! damn crazy we jog whole the way from stk to HICT haha !!
ok when we reach there .. the station master order us to dress up the custome . thr got skeleton , whitch , and clown . i get the whitch lol is been chosen not to be choose
so after we dress up .. we been given a task which is take picture with stranger .. pass by people .. and we did it .. ok he seen purposely delaying our pressure time after some time .. he give us a hint which is inside a piece of paper .. inside got 2 object candy and present and 3 colour , blue , yellow and maroon .. that cool .. 1st we go unstoppable(net cafe) and saw a station master , he asked us to fill the water into the bucket .. ok we did it .. after that he told us it was just a game . and ask us to go other station :p screw them man !! at that time .. because of many issues that i din state down cox was too many ... it make 3 of us run mad .. we lepak at warnet that area got about 1 hour or more than that .. cox thy seen lik fooling with us with din give us the real hint ..
after that the hoster call us .. and told us that that piece of paper talking about is our school hall ... alright we have been set .. we run whole way from warnet to our beloved school stk
while we reach is given a task . put own mouth inside that bucket to grab those rambutan out by using mouth with blind floded ................... and .... inside thy put 3 floggie hehe
well our representive . wang kee lin haha !! after that the 2nd task is use bite to grab out the bread on the plate ....... and ..... the bread is on the mealworm lol
this time in the representive in 3 of us haha !!
in no time i was grab out all the bread b4 those mealworm claim up the bread .. phew...
thn this time is running up the tangga lol ..3 person by using 30second to pass the task , we made it finally , after that is guessing wat colour is it , 1 of our teammate need to see the word and without speaking , tell us wat colour is it , quite tuff but we made it also haha !! final station shoot ball , we 3 just lik monkey playing ball , we fail but the station master give us pass cox we just have 3 person and is disadvantage for us lol
and is search trasure time !! the location is not given so is search randomly .. damn !! this is not call treasure hunt , is hunt by treasure ! we found 1 .. but is empty :p
thn at last other group found it , rm100 inside. wooo
well is time to go back le haha !!
conclusion .. that was a suckest treasure hunt in the world haha !!
bye have a nice day yo